"Gold Series 5" - Original Mixed Media Painting
"Gold Series 5" - Original Mixed Media Painting
- Original mixed media painting by Waynesville, NC artist Carol Fetty
- 24x30 inch gallery wrapped canvas with 1.5 inch sides
- Materials: charcoal, acrylic and oil, and cold wax
- Created in 2024
Step into the piercing gaze of “Gold Series 5,” a powerful expression of resilience and introspection from Asheville multi-media artist Carol Fetty. This portrait painting captures the viewer immediately with the direct stare of its subject, her face emerging from a rich tapestry of gold and earth tones that suggest a narrative of enduring beauty and complexity.
The texture overlaying the entire painting is reminiscent of worn frescos and contrasts with the crispness of the figure’s features, creating a dynamic interplay of the ancient and the immediate. As if the experience of this woman has been the experience of every woman for millennia.
This original artwork follows the theme of the rest of Carol Fetty’s “Gold Series” by
blending opulence with raw human emotion, exemplified by the bold use of gold amidst the rugged, tactile surface.
“Gold Series 5” is perfect for collectors and art lovers who are captivated by portraits that speak volumes without words. It’s a celebration of the vibrant art scene in Asheville, NC, and a reflection of the lawyered stories that each and every person carries with them.